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Financial Impact

Our investors invest in ESG focused companies who aim to protect financial assets from climate-related risks, assure the sustainability of their business models, and save ecosystems by lowering carbon emissions.

ESG factors are popular in investing decisions throughout the world

The ESG criterion is a set of standards that investors may use to assess potential investments based on their operations. A company’s attempts to address climate change can be evident in managing waste, using renewable energy, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Scholars’ interest has increased to see ESG performance and its impact on financial and organizational resilience.
ESG has a significant impact on business value and profitability per share. ESG performance may improve financial performance, influencing investors, management, entrepreneurs, and industry laws.

Renewable Energy 

The globe is turning away from fossil fuels and toward a cleaner energy mix, such as renewable energy, in support of and in addition to their national climate pledges. Investors recognise the benefits of using renewable energy, particularly wind power, and there has been rapid increase in both institutional and retail ESG portfolio requirements. Wind power is emission-free, sustainable, and clean, making it a crucial facilitator of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7. From a social and corporate governance standpoint, the industry continues to create employment and offer cost-effective energy without negatively impacting agricultural or other outside-based businesses.

Value Chain Finance

Smart Green Invest is offering value chain finance to enable investments in order to increase the return on investment, growth, and competitiveness of the chain.

Sustainable Value Chain

Many businesses are already implementing very effective programs to reduce resource usage in their operations and interact with their local communities.

Global Value Chain

Complex production networks were developed for efficiency, affordability, and market closeness, but not necessarily for transparency or robustness.

AI impact on Sustainable Finance

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in credit scoring can have a significant financial impact for both lenders and borrowers. For lenders, the use of AI can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of credit scoring, reducing the costs associated with manual processing and increasing the number of loans approved. This can result in increased revenue and profits. For borrowers, the use of AI in credit scoring can lead to more accurate and fairer assessments of their creditworthiness, reducing the likelihood of rejection or higher interest rates.

Sustainability Finance

Last year proved to be a turning point for sustainable financing despite the grimness of the ongoing public health crisis. As the sector reflects on a year of strong growth, attention is now being paid to removing the obstacles in the way of more success.

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